Saturday, January 2, 2010

What is your purpose in life...

Your idea of success will determine that. Whether you are driven by making money, getting a decent position in the corporate world or starting your own business than your purpose will revolve around achieving this end.

But what will it take you to achieve such a material and worldly end? Will you forego your own comfort or even your own beliefs just to get this. How about pride and self respect, will you throw that away as well?

I personally think that I may have sacrificed a number of things just so I too can achieve my stupid idea of success. Even to the point that people can trample on my self respect in my own hope for an upgrade in life.

However, it is a pity that I have forgotten that sometimes what matters is way out there. That it is beyond the walls of work or what my bank account details tell me...

Sometimes, it's best to check back on one's idea of success to really know what we are living for...

This video inspired me to think and hopefully move to be better. I hope it has the same effect on everyone else as well. Happy New year everyone!

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