Monday, February 9, 2009

Gundam Dynames - 1/100 Bandai Kit

Ok here is a surprise purchase for me. I mean 00 and Virtue had their unique reasons for being on my Gundam 00 List.

So what was the deal with Dynames you ask? Well it is quite personal - I just like the personality of the 1st Lockon Stratos - Neil Dylandy. He he he!

I was actually trying to choose between Exia and Dynames, and I was really desperate to get a Gundam Fix after finishing Virtue... argh, Gundam 00 really got me hooked! Bring out the MG's for crying out loud!!

Anyway, back to the Dynames kit... at first I felt the outer armor was a bit out of place. But after looking at the finished product, I had a change of heart.

The armor actually looks like a cape, and though the movements may be limited, it is just enough to pose Dynames in the crouching and prone position... just like in the Anime!

The legs joint is also better with that of the Exia 1/100 kit - not separating on the upper joint that connects it to the waist.

What I find difficult to understand though is the extra large butt of Dynames, lolx! This kinda limits the pose of the kit.

This kit is available at all toy stores for 1300 - 1500 pesos.

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